NI Planning Permission

NI Planning System

The Planning System and Development Management

The planning system ensures built development is in the right place when new houses, shops, parks, community centres or factories are planned. Eleven local councils and the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) are responsible for different types of planning applications.

The above links have no affiliation at all to NI Planning Permission LTD and they have been provided as a quick link on this website as a useful tool for client’s of NI Planning Permission LTD only. NI Planning Permission LTD cannot be held responsible for the writing and data that is made available on these links.

Planning Policy Statements

Retained Planning Policy

The existing suite of Planning Policy Statements and the remaining provisions of ‘A Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland’ are currently retained under the transitional arrangements of the SPPS.


These retained policies will be cancelled when all eleven councils have adopted a new Plan Strategy for the whole of their council area.

Further information on Departmental planning documents which will continue to be treated as material considerations during the transitional period (or as the case may be after the expiry of the transitional period) can be accessed under Planning Guidance.

Back Road 1

Departmental Development Plans

Departmental development plans are plans prepared by the former Department of the Environment (DOE).

As a transitional measure, these plans will remain operational until the councils adopt new Local Development Plans.